Let’s Talk About Sex…

If you aren’t talking about sex with your significant other-you should be!  Especially if there are concerns regarding erectile dysfunction. 

The conversations you aren’t having could be the most important ones. 

First off, let’s start by clearing the air – this is not a taboo topic!  If you aren’t discussing it and you’re battling erectile dysfunction or any change in erections, you won’t know where to start to improve the symptoms or your relationship. 

It should be talked about openly and freely not only between patient and provider but amongst couples as well. 

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction and you DON’T talk about it, the struggle to know what options exist for treatment can create further angst, not to mention the stress on your relationship. 

In my conversations with my patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, there is a slurry of emotions that they battle while also struggling with the disease. 

There is frustration, disappointment, mental angst and embarrassment to mention a few.  And it’s easy to get caught up in your own emotions and forget to have the difficult conversations with your partner. 

They too are struggling with emotions, including feeling like it is their fault, a lack of attraction and desire, frustration, and a loss of passion mixed with wanting to help. 

Let’s face it, intimacy and desire are important cornerstones of a relationship and without them, the relationship can deteriorate unintentionally.  But it’s the fear of the conversation you’re not having that may be even more detrimental to your relationship. 

So let’s get the conversation started.

First and foremost, just BE HONEST. 

It’s also important to start that dialog at a time when you can both communicate openly and freely, with no judgment, no distractions.  Come together on a common ground to discuss the topic. 

That means not while dinner is being cooked, kids are being chased or while getting caught up on Netflix shows.  A quiet time when both have the time to talk and are ready to talk and listen. 

Guys, tell your partner that you want to talk about a personal and sensitive topic when your partner is ready and able to discuss and listen.  That means for your partners, give them your full attention, be present and let them talk. 

Supporting each other and listening will go a long way.  And come up with a plan together that you can follow through with, whether that plan is to do some research or schedule an appointment to talk to a medical provider about options, decide something together that you both agree on. 

And don’t forget to keep talking with each other about the topic. 

View this as an opportunity to find new and different ways to add some intimacy and passion to your relationship. 

Have confidence in knowing that there are options. 

No longer is treatment solely Viagra or Cialis. There are more than 15 options for erectile dysfunction. And you might be surprised by the improvements just by starting the conversation.  

Look, erectile dysfunction affects over 30 million men in the United States. 

You are not alone. 

Get back in the game today and take action. And when you’re ready to schedule an appointment, you can schedule your free consultation with Limitless Male.

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Don't Forget to Schedule your Appointment Today!

Are you a candidate for our ED treatments and therapies

Are you able to get a spontaneous erection (morning wood)?
Can you get erection for penetrative intercourse?
Can you maintain the erection throughout intercourse?
Can you maintain an erection long enough to achieve orgasm?
Is your erection strength diminished or less than desirable?
Is your erection endurance diminished or less than desirable?
Has your desire for sexual activity diminished?
Are you able to achieve an erection with the frequency desired?
Are you and your partner satisfied with your erections?
Have you ever tried supplements or prescription drugs to enhance your erectile function?